aka The Slow Cook
Chartwells calls this "vegetarian Baja bean whole wheat soft taco." Quite a mouthful. It looks like canned black beans and frozen corn with lettuce, topped with a tomato sauce or salsa. It was served open faced with a choice of "Tex-Mex corn" and a "pineapple cup." Or, in this case, pineapple without the cup.
I saw very few kids actually choose this lunch. Most of them were taking the Tuesday alternate: "turkey and cheese whole grain wrap." Meaning, there was a choice of tortilla two different ways.
This poses its own challenges, since the processed turkey meat, cut into deli-style rounds, does not lend itself to being cut with a plastic "spork."
They keep advertising the turkey as roast turkey. But it isn't - it is pressed turkey. Last year, my son was really excited as we approached Thanksgiving, hoping to have real turkey since he had never tried the school lunch turkey. He hated it. He doesn't like lunch meat and that's all it was - covered in gravy. I think it's one of the modt misleadingly named items on the menu.